martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

¡¡¡Con Esto Dibujo!!! / This is What I Draw With!!!

mi mesa de dibujo

my drawing table

¡¡¡a esto se le llama desastre!!!

This is what I call caos!!!

a lot of stuff

3 comentarios:

  1. Looks like you've got all the tools you need to make your imagination take flight! Keep drawing and making your world beautiful.

  2. Thankyou Chris!!!! He smiled to biggest , warmest little smile when i rad your comment to him. Means a lot...thanks again! Clau

  3. Me encantaría que dibujaras ángeles... como tú... te amo...


Please leave a comment, I love hearing from new people! My parent´s will read them with me & I will get back to you as soon as possible! Thankyou, Giaco
¡Porfavor deja tu comentario, me encanta saber de gente nueva! Mis papás me ayudarán a accesar a ellos, ¡ y te contestaré tan pronto me sea posible! Gracias, Giaco